EdgeTek Blog

EdgeTek has been serving the Colorado area since 2016, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Defining an Immutable Backup’s Benefits

Defining an Immutable Backup’s Benefits

We haven’t been shy about how essential data backups are, simply because there is always the chance that your business will encounter some form of disaster… but, what if something interferes with these backups?

This danger is one reason that immutable backups are utilized. Let’s go over what this means, and how it helps.

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Disaster Recovery is a Big Part of a Comprehensive Business Continuity Plan

Disaster Recovery is a Big Part of a Comprehensive Business Continuity Plan

Disaster Recovery (DR) provides your business with tools and processes to restore normal operations following a disruption. Think of it as a safety net for when things go wrong. The primary goal of your disaster recovery system is to restore critical business functions as quickly as possible.

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Beryl Reinforces Why Backups Are So Important

Beryl Reinforces Why Backups Are So Important

Unfortunately, we have yet another reason to reflect on the importance of data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity for organizations everywhere. A week ago today, Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas, downgrading to a tropical storm, but only after it had already caused estimated damages totaling over $5 million amongst the islands of middle America.

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Does Your Business Follow the 3-2-1 Backup Rule?

Does Your Business Follow the 3-2-1 Backup Rule?

Regarding business data backups, we’ll commonly reference something called the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. Just in case you’ve missed our explanations of these critical best practices in the past, we felt we should go over what it is and what each of its elements accomplishes.

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How to Diagnose a Failing Hard Drive

How to Diagnose a Failing Hard Drive

The growth that digital storage has seen over the past several decades is immense. In that time most data has been stored on hard disk drives (HDD). Now with solid-state drives (SSD) being more affordable than ever, it’s no surprise that most computers are preferring this faster and less fragile model. Today, we wanted to highlight that fragility and try to expose some variables that help you tell if your HDD is about to fail. 

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Backup and Disaster Recovery is a Great Tool for Businesses

Backup and Disaster Recovery is a Great Tool for Businesses

The one thing about data backup is that it seems like it is pretty simple: You have data, you copy it and store it should something happen to your original. Sure, that’s the basic makeup of a data backup, but if you want a backup you can really rely on, you need it to be faultless. Enter Backup and Disaster Recovery. 

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Ransomware is Something That All Businesses Should Avoid

Ransomware is Something That All Businesses Should Avoid

Ransomware is a serious issue for businesses. How serious?

Think “$265 billion in costs by 2031” serious. In light of this, every organization needs to do everything possible to avoid falling victim to ransomware. Let’s touch on a few practices that will help.

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World Backup Day is in a Few Days…But What Started It in the First Place?

World Backup Day is in a Few Days…But What Started It in the First Place?

Friday, March 31, 2023, is World Backup Day, the annual observance set aside to help ensure that businesses and individual users alike are doing what they need to do to protect their data from loss. Let’s go over where this observance came from, why it is so important for your business, and how you can make sure your organization is as protected as possible. 

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If It Doesn’t Abide By These 3 Rules, Your Backup Isn’t a Good Backup

If It Doesn’t Abide By These 3 Rules, Your Backup Isn’t a Good Backup

We are of the firm belief that data backup is crucial to the continued success of any business. It can be the differentiating factor for a business that is successful and one that less unfortunate circumstances knock them off the grid for good. You can invest in your business’ future with a solid data backup solution, even if it’s there simply as a preventative measure.

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The Right Backup Practices Could Be What Saves Your Business

The Right Backup Practices Could Be What Saves Your Business

How seriously does your business take data backup and disaster recovery? You might not be able to predict the future or what might occur, but you can at least prepare for it to mitigate the damage it could potentially bring about. Today, we want to share some of the best practices you can implement to combat even the worst disaster scenarios your organization might encounter.

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Planning for the Worst is Key to Achieving the Best Outcome

Planning for the Worst is Key to Achieving the Best Outcome

Look, nobody likes picturing the worst-case scenario that could befall their business—even doing so might feel a bit like memorizing a divorce attorney's number as you write your wedding vows. However, failing to have some strategy in place could very well lead to your business’ downfall. What does it take to properly plan and prepare for the possibility of a disaster, and the associated recovery you’ll have to undergo?

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EdgeTek is proud to announce the launch of our new website at www.edgetek.co. The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for prospective clients.

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136 W Main St. Suite 101
Trinidad, Colorado 81082