EdgeTek Blog

EdgeTek has been serving the Colorado area since 2016, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Schools are Dangerously Valuable to Cybercriminals

Schools are Dangerously Valuable to Cybercriminals

It’s an unfortunate fact that cybercriminals are motivated to attack places that contain large volumes of sensitive data, but typically lack the budget or in-house skills to sufficiently protect it. It’s even more unfortunate that this description directly applies to many schools and school systems.

Let’s talk about what schools have to offer cybercriminals, and what they need to do as a result.

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How to Stump an Experienced Computer Technician

How to Stump an Experienced Computer Technician

I was thinking about a funny tech support issue I ran into many years ago, and thought it would be fun to share it with everyone. All names have been changed to protect the innocent. If you’ve ever had to spend hours chasing down the root of a problem, only to find that it was the dumbest thing possible, you’ll probably relate to this!

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Your Choice of IT Support Makes a Huge Difference

Your Choice of IT Support Makes a Huge Difference

Your business’ technology is critical to its productivity, but unfortunately, this technology can (and at some point, likely will) break. So, what do you do if and when it does?

Let’s go over some of the options that you have to consider.

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EdgeTek is proud to announce the launch of our new website at www.edgetek.co. The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for prospective clients.

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136 W Main St. Suite 101
Trinidad, Colorado 81082